სამეფო კლუბის დამსახურებული წევრი – გიორგი რაქვიაშვილი georoyal.ge
Giorgi Rakviashvili Was born in 30 January, 1951 in the village Gurjaani of the Georgian SSR. Father - Giorgi Rakviashvili (1925-2011) worked in the town Tkibuli as deputy director of power station construction on the river Shaor, and then - the deputy director of the builted power station; he was awarded the Order of Honor. Mother Fatman Lekveishvili (1925-2003) was an engineer. He graduated Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of the Tbilisi State University; in 1982 in the Minsk Institute of Mathematics it was awarded the title of candidate of physical and mathematical sciences (head academician Hvedri Inassaridze, the theme "On the cohomology and K-theory of crossed group rings" ). Currently is working in Ilia State University in Tbilisi as associate professor. Is the author of twenty works. Fluent in Russian, satisfactory - in German and English. He knows many of computer programs. Wife Ketevan Pipia - (1963) economist, graduated from graduate school of the P. Gugushvili Institute of Economics of Georgian Academy of Sciences, has taught in different universities. They have six children, the eldest child is eighteen, youngest - nine . By religion - Orthodox Christian, political beliefs - a monarchist. Hobby - sports; He engaged in marathon running, mountaineering, climbing, wrestling. Giorgi Rakviashvili, 30.05.2015